Monday, February 19, 2007

Tokyo Movies & Temple Tour

We wandered through Tokyo more today, and visited a Temple. Pix can be found here.

I've been taking a few movies on my camera whilst touring Tokyo. Here's a few (they're all short - under 30 seconds.)

NOTE - you'll have to hit your browser "Back" button to come back to this blog entry each time you view a video.

One of the first thing I noticed in Tokyo was the way the Japanese operate within their subway/train stations. When you get to the platform, you join a single file line (for each side of the door). The train always stops exactly at the same spot. You walk to the train once it is almost stopped, and wait for people to exit between the two lines before entering a car.

Subway Platform

Standing on a rail platform makes you feel like you're inside a Nintendo game. There's always this computer generated game music playing, and I attempted to capture it on video. As soon as I started recording, the Nintendo sounds stopped.

Subway Platform 2

Finally captured some of the Nintendo music.

Jack Skeleton

Shinjuku is a loud place. Here's video from after 11pm at night (on a weekday!) Place is always packed.

Shinjuku 2

Throughout the Tokyo Marathon there were bands playing. Here's some marathon coverage:

Band at Shinjuku
Wet Runners
Band 2

Hope you enjoyed...


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