Sunday, November 16, 2008

The 39,000 steps

Oh. My. Gah!

This city is rainy and gloomy. About 13C. The sky is sending us a fine mist.

I don't think I have been anywhere as beautiful as Paris. Honestly, descriptions do not do this place justice.

It is a quiet Sunday morning here. Looking out of our hotel window it is obvious that the city does not wake up early on this day of rest. Yesterday however was a busy busy day both for Paris and for us.

Our hotel is about 500 metres from the Arc de Triomphe and that was the first place we sauntered past. I had no idea that there is a viewing platform on the roof. SO, we bought a ticket and up the stairs we went. No, no, no, not a good idea. You fly all night, arrive in France, forget to have a snack because it is, after all, about 4 in the morning according to your stomach, and then climb 300 or so steps up the Arc. Lactic acid legs. You can't exactly feel sorry for us though can you? Yesterday I stood on the Arc de Triophe and looked out over the rooftops of Paris.

Then you decide that the Eiffel Tower looks like it isn't all that far away. Yay you, you have Markus with you. A man possessed of the singular most finely tuned sense of direction. Not, however, when he is jetlagged , hungry, tired, and it's raining. The radar was way off and we ended up taking an hour and a half detour to get back home. No matter, we saw so much of this overwhelming city on that walk. Sore feat but a soaring mind.

More later on how we got into a fight with 6 French women and a taxi driver. Seriously, punches were almost thrown. Ah the passion of Paris.

And the complete lack of cabs at 2AM.


Anonymous said...

One question: do either of you two speak French? LOL

Anonymous said...

We speak a bit of French, but we've found that virtually everyone speaks more English than we do French.

The funniest part about being lost in Paris for a few hours is when you get back to your hotel room and realize you had a GPS in your pocket the entire time, but forgot to use it...

Anonymous said...

Obviously both of you were seriously seriously jetlagged to have forgotten to use the technology at hand.