Monday, February 12, 2007

Two More Sleeps

Well, Monday the 12th of February. When my friend Noriko wrote me last year in June and suggested that we come to Japan for the inaugural running of the Tokyo marathon it seemed so distant. Not simply because it is a hell of a long way away, but also because it was so far away.

With all of those many months of hour filled days to plan and scheme, you would have thought that all would be in place and prepared. All we would have to do is wake up on the morning of the 14th, put on our bon voyage best and cross the tarmac. Not quite. Most of today will be an adventure of last-minute proportions. A fruit-filled Danish lost in a maze of downtown buildings trying to get it together. Never mind that I have let both my OHIP card and my Driver's liscence expire. Doesn't matter, I never get to drive anyhow and most of my illnesses are psychosomatic.

No matter. We work best with deadlines and swords hanging over our heads.

I think the biggest task is charging up all of the toys - there aren't, I don't think, enough outlets to simultaneous juice-up all of the technology that is going with us. Although, on the happy side of things, dragging around such a large amount of electronics should give us a certain curbside-cred in the neon soaked streets of Tokyo.

Then, of course, there is the matter of The Marathon. I'm nervous in the way that I get nervous before most races I do. And then some. I am trying to go through every possible scenario of Things That Might Go Wrong. What if I can't find a place to eat pasta the night before? Can one run an entire marathon on a meal of squid, seaweed, and blowfish? What is going to be at the water stations? Green tea? Looking over the heads of the 25,000 people in the race, will I be able to see the finish line in the distance?

I know it is there and I'll let you know when I have crossed it. I look forward to the victory dinner of squid, seaweed, and blowfish. And liquid sunshine. Lots of liquid sunshine.



zephyr said...

Interesting that you are rushing about to get ready for your trip, but still have time to blog. And you teach time management? Humm!?!? It's a new generation. I just watched 3 hrs. of Kelly Osborne in Japan on the weekend so I am ready for your pictures of the tall blond freak turning Japanese. Have a great run and a great time the both of you. I look forward to following your adventures. Love from Gayle!!!!!

SD said...

Good luck! Are you definitely in the marathon, or do you still have to go through the lottery process? Dozo, dozo...